Feeding the artist's eye

Feeding the artist's eye

April, too sunny for my taste.

Wrote a lot, didn’t draw as much as I wanted.

Gratitude list

  1. First time in my life to witness a colony of bees swarming. Google says the colony might be 50,000 bees. I remember it like this: I woke up one april morning and looked at the window. I saw what looks like a bazillion insects just flying outside. There was buzzing but I didn’t know yet that they were bees. It looked like some plague to me which as a little bit concerning 🙂 After a couple of hours, they weren’t flying anymore so I went out in the balcony and saw that they settled on one of the branches of the acacia tree. They were just really hanging out there on top of each other which was cool to look at. After a couple of days, they were gone. Google has a lot to say about the swarming phenomenon (bees splitting up and finding new hives) which I have yet to read and study. Maybe next time. The entire experience was weird and dazzling. Nature, shrug emoji.
  2. Writing in my notebooks about all the things on my mind. To-dos, ideas, stuff I want to explore or write about. Meetings. Feelings. Food I’ve been eating. Places I’ve been. People I talk to. Lists in general. Drawing. Learning. Time. Reminders.
  3. My favorite POV, lying under a tree. Looking at the gaps between the trees. Hearing the leaves rustle. Watching the branches sway with the wind. Think about nothing.