Visualization to stop your annoying hiccup

Visualization to stop your annoying hiccup

Imagine standing on a small island in the middle of a vast blue sea.

The wind – a cool, pleasant, breeze. The water around you is calm.

As you take a deep breath to center yourself, you look out to the horizon and notice something coming into your direction.

You continue to breath naturally, steadily, paying attention to your body.

The thing in the horizon, turns out to be a hand.

A giant hand as big as your body.

It’s levitating toward you.

It stops in front of you and points at you with the pointy finger.

The hand is like “hey. you.”

And you’re like “yes me?”

You understand each other and then the hand points to your tummy.

And flicks it, with it’s, um, fingers.

Beyond the known laws of physics, the force flings you supersonically into space.

Every part of your body trembles. 

This speed is gonna burn you.

You move past the earth’s atmosphere and your body starts disintegrating.

you go, “WTF??!!”

Exactly. That’s what I’m saying.

A flash of nirvana  strikes your mind – the whole meaning of life, laid bare before you like a feast.

You partake.

Your life plays back in reverse in what feels like a movie.

You partake.

Friends in a bar, chocolate cake, apples with your mother, last love, university hallway, favorite body of water, being angry at your father, heartbreak, even more joy, detailed grocery list, detailed thank you list, poetry, christmas post card, your favorite song, indestructible friendships, smiling at a stranger, distance, wine at the table, laughing on the floor with your best friend, not sleeping, puddles reflecting the city light, first love, second, third, etc, your handwriting, voices of people you love, a flower melting, wonder, freshly squeezed lemon, unread books, staring at the sun, crying, jumping on a river, blood on your knee, an embrace, lullaby, music, darkness.

Everything disintegrates now.

You partake.

You no longer have hiccups because you no longer have a body.

The end 🙂

I tried a shorter version of this on a subject and it worked, I’m not saying it removed the hiccup but I’m saying it really removed the hiccup.